Apparently Barack Obama is the Antichrist

18 Feb

Many years ago I had a friend who concluded he was the Archangel Michael, when in fact he was merely an out-of-work English teacher. It had its amusing side, like the night he concluded Satan had turned off his radio in the early hours of the morning in Forest Lodge. My friend had been listening to JJJ at full volume apparently, and Satan, in the guise of a pissed-off neighbour, pulled the plug at my friend’s fuse box. My friend — it was a hot night — set off in search of a public phone (this was before mobiles) to inform JJJ, as you would, about what Satan had done but forgot that he was naked at the time. That’s when the police spotted him, and on hearing why he was wandering about in the nude took him to an appropriate place.

My friend of course was mad.

People with a similar hold on reality have apparently come to the conclusion that Barack Obama has apocalyptic significance, as reported by an amazed Christian blogger in Scotland: "a 29 year old teacher, musician, worship leader and husband from the Isle of Lewis in Scotland".

This is rapidly moving from silly to scary.

This was originally going to be a reply to a previous blog comment, but it outgrew itself. I simply cannot believe some of the ideas and arguments being expressed by certain individuals. Things were bad before, but they suddenly got worse.

For those who have just dropped by, I’d better explain briefly. Over a year ago I expressed the opinion that I liked Barack Obama’s political and religious attitude. Some wingnut mentioned that they thought he was the Antichrist and to my horror, I noticed my blog stats climbing from people searching for “Barack Obama Antichrist”. I posted some tongue-in-cheek stuff mocking this a bit, but soon realised that a lot of people actually believed it. I got two comments today though that simply terrified me. I shall post the highlights here…

I too like Obama’s political and religious views and like that blogger find the reactions he reports very scary indeed. When I remember what happened to Bobby  Kennedy it gets even scarier.


Lynn Sweet: Obama: On Faith and Politics. And Alan Keyes. This post has the Call to Renewal Keynote Address 2006 which I referred to on WordPress: On the US presidential race. There are lots of comments, some really sane! Then there are "I am really the Archangel Michael" people as well, and others who stay within the bounds of not needing to be certified — just:

I heard this morning that none other than AL FRANKEN is endorsing this man. If Al Franken has chosen this man over Hillary Clinton, I am concerned and anything the man says is suspect to me. Obama is affiliated with a group called Sadeen. After some research, I have found this group to be PLO supporters. Tell me how "moderate Democrat" Obama is garnering support from the Jewish Al Franken and a Democratic voting Jewish public? Also, as the son of a single, immigrant mother, who funded his exhorbitant education? And why, in early November were there literally thousands of hits when searching "anti-Christ Barak Obama" and now there are barely any? Those that are found are Christian parodies. The old adage warns us to "follow the money." I suggest we do so because there is a lot more to this man than meets OUR eyes. I am not suggesting he is the anti-Christ, but I would not argue his sinister intent. Remember – this Great Country was founded on Christian values, regardless of what the secularists may say. Evey minute of our existence, the success of the US is challenged by forces we may or may not understand. Tread carefully.

Oh dear!

And there is this blogger. Where do they come from, these people?

As for Google: Results 1 – 10 of about 71,200 for barack obama antichrist. Have fun.

And as for the Bobby Kennedy comparison: this has occurred to others. See the VodPod.

UPDATE 28 February

I find there is now an entire blog devoted to this important topic:

Barack Obama the Antichrist

Many things were said about Kevin Rudd during the 2007 Australian election, but nothing quite like this, even by the most deranged.

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Posted by on February 18, 2008 in America, awful warnings, blogging, Christianity, politics


19 responses to “Apparently Barack Obama is the Antichrist

  1. The Worst of Perth

    February 18, 2008 at 11:49 pm

    I must add the tag Obama Antichrist to posts from now on, or since I’m in Western Australia, perhaps Omodei Antichrist. If he’s the antichrist, where does that leave me? Chopped liver apparently.

  2. Anonymous

    February 25, 2008 at 2:44 pm

    I have been shaken in recent weeks because I have an ominous feeling about the rapid ascent of Barack Obama. I finally sat down and wrote an essay about what the Spirit seems to be showing me. (And oh yeah, I’m a gay democrat, not a right wing nut job. Millions of democrats are deeply spiritual progressive Christians, remember. We have souls! We are not evil lunatics just because we are democrats, as the far right wing likes to infer.)

    Read my entire essay at:

    Copyright Beyond Enchanted Press 2008 All Rights Reserved.International Copyright Secured. Permission is granted to re-distribute as one intact written essay, inviolate and inclusive of all text, links and images.

    02.18.08 Spiritual Musings From a Late Winter Cabin
    By Goldenheart, a Pen Name

    About a year ago when Barack Obama first exploded on the democratic national scene, I recall the way my soul responded when I first ever saw a photograph of him. It ran all over me, like an electric shock, that his face, the facial features, the bone structure, his head size and shape, was the perfect feminine counterpart (omega aspect) of the face, bone structure and features of Osama Bin Laden. (alpha aspect) Artists look for and notice these sorts of things, almost automatically, subconsciously. The resemblance struck me so noticeably that I was riveted. I also felt very, very uncomfortable spiritually and I did not know why. It was as if something was trying to bubble up and come to the surface, some part of me wanted to speak about what it knew, but refrained.

    I would stare stupidly at photos and video clips of Obama each time I saw him, just fairly screaming inside: “Does anyone else see what I see?!?”

    Of course living alone I had no one to discuss this with. But my soul is utterly convinced that on some subterranean level, on some dimension, Barack Obama is a member of the very same soul family as Osama Bin Laden. Think about it: One working on the eastern side of the world, the other working on the western side. Do they in fact share the same goal, and if so, what might that be? We all know that the highest Muslim radicals are calling for a one world super-state with Islam as the only official world religion. That’s the eastern Islamic world goal. That’s what they are strapping bombs onto the tummies of babies in islamic temple basements, and educating their youth for. They are prepared to fight on for as many generations as it takes to achieve this.

    What have Christian Americans been taught for at least 3 generations now? … That the final confrontation includes a figure named in scripture as the Antichrist who heads up a global one world super-state that has only one officially sanctioned religion, and it is not Christianity.

    Ok, if you have swallowed all that (above) and don’t think I’m off my rocker, I’ll go deeper. When I look at Barack Obama, I see the aura of ….. see link at top

  3. ninglun

    February 25, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    People can look at that; I have. I find it very sad, I’m afraid. If you begin with Obama just being an ordinary man you will be nearer the mark. Believe what you like about his politics. I am still afraid this line of thinking is feeding some future “righteous” assassin. The US has been there before. I find that VERY scary.

  4. arthurvandelay

    February 25, 2008 at 9:46 pm

    Hey, anonymous. A can of cat food called. It wants its tinfoil back.

  5. Thomas

    February 26, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    “The perfect feminine counterpart (omega aspect) of … Osama Bin Laden.” — Hahaha! Man, that’s some classic stuff there.

    “Of course living alone I had no one to discuss this with.” — I’m not surprised at that. Not surprised for one minute.

    On a serious note, this guy is in need of some ‘Cuckoo’s Nest’ treatment.

  6. Anonymous

    March 28, 2008 at 8:34 am

    Well, Hillary shouldn’t feel too bad if it took THE ANTICHRIST to beat her for the democratic nomination. Of course, what does that say about the democratic party.

    The conservatives argue that the Left supports abortion rights: The destruction of human life vs. the will of the Holy Spirit who is the giver of life. Conservatives also argue that the Left supports Gay marriage, which they see a an assault on the nucleus of society, namely the paradigm of the human family: Male-Female, Man-Woman, Husband-Wife, Father-Mother.

    The conservatives may have a valid point, being that the vast majority of people in prisons come from broken homes with no father figures. Re-inventing the human family could very well cause en masse psycho-societal discord for future generations.

  7. ninglun

    March 28, 2008 at 9:57 am

    The conservatives may have a valid point, being that the vast majority of people in prisons come from broken homes with no father figures. Re-inventing the human family could very well cause en masse psycho-societal discord for future generations.

    And every one of those people in prisons drank milk as a child; now there’s a factoid for you…

    Perhaps it would be more to the point to consider: 1)Why does the USA boast one of the highest incarceration rates in the entire world? 2) Race and Incarceration in the United States. (Human Rights Watch)

  8. Anonymous

    March 29, 2008 at 1:20 am

    Ninglun said:

    “Perhaps it would be more to the point to consider: 1)Why does the USA boast one of the highest incarceration rates in the entire world? 2) Race and incarceration in the United States.”

    Answer: I don’t believe the prisons are full because the majority of people in prison are innocent.

    Studies have clearly shown that most people in prison have a long rap sheet which began at a young age. A rap sheet which escalated from delinquency and petty crimes blossoming into to serious crimes. Studies have also shown that most people in prison came from broken homes.

    The correlation has been made between habitual criminal behavior and the lack of a stable home environment, namely the lack of a positive father figure. The numbers don’t lie: There are more blacks in prison than there are whites, and studies have shown that up to 80% or black babies are born out of wedlock and without a permanent father figure. The rate among white babies is also growing at an alarming rate.

    I live in the city of Chicago, U.S.A. IUt may surprise you to discover that the city alone has an average of 600 murders a year. On top of that, there are rapes, robberies,home invasions, battery, assaults, auto-theft, drug dealing, and every conceivable crime you can think of. That’s just in one city in one state. There are fifty states and 300 million people in this country.

    I’d hate to think of what society would be like without a police force and 911 service. And thank goodness for prisons.

    The problem with the escalation of crime and violence has its origin within the rotting of womb society and the proliferation of negative influence of media entertainment. When cable television with Hollywood movies and entertainment was introduced in certain regions of India crime increased by 700% within the span of 2 years.

    The fact that the movies and music can influence society is no big surprise. Elvis Presley had a huge effect on teenagers worldwide, and the Beatles followed with an even greater influence on societal fashions and behaviors. If five individuals can have such a great power over the course of society, imagine what a steady diet of thousands of movies and television shows has on the collective psyche of the world itself.

    Violence, murder, pornography, divorce, rape, depravity, etc. is consumed by the minds of millions of people every year, in movie theaters, living rooms across this country. What the superstar singer does, thousands of young minds emulate. Mix the influence of media on different minds and you will have different results. The movie “No Country for Old Men” features a serial killer which gets away with murder. That movie will some day influence a future serial killer.

    You see, today there are people living who will become murder victims 35 years from now. They murderer hasn’t been born yet. But that murderer will be born and surely grow up and be influenced by all the things that turn innocent little babies into 35-year-old murderers. Just read what notorious serial killer Ted Bundy said about the influences in his life which turned him into a killer: He blamed violent hard core pornography (the media) on the shaping of his mind and thinking.

    You see, evil deeds first begin as simple thoughts. The bank robber’s first theft can be trace back to a simple theft, probably at a very young age. The deeds of serial rapists were first conceived in the mind of the rapist, entertaining thoughts of sexual assault. The imagination, no doubt fueled by some sort of pornography, helps to turn the simple thought into intellectual fantasy. Once the fantasy is conceived, a pre-meditated deed follows, with a built-in escape plan.

    So, do you want to know the reason why there is so much hate, violence, and crime in the world? Certainly not the lack of religion. Rather the lack of true and authentic Christianity: The authentic imitation of Christ.

    This video makes that very clear:

  9. ninglun

    March 29, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    Consider the international picture. Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country.

    Murders with firearms (per capita) (most recent) by country.

    Prisoners > Per capita (most recent) by country.

    USA: 715 per 100,000 people
    Australia: 116 per 100,000 people

    The murder rate in Sydney in 2006 was 2.7 per 100,000 people.

    We do have tight gun laws. We also have more than our share of dysfunctional families. We are not an especially godly city.

    Careful jumping to conclusions. I do agree that a good family environment matters.

  10. Anonymous

    March 29, 2008 at 4:38 pm

    Regarding the international picture, not everyone in prison is there for murder. There are many other crimes that deserve imprisonment. What are you trying to say? That the majority of people in U.S. prisons are innocent??

  11. ninglun

    March 29, 2008 at 6:23 pm

    Why are so many more people per 100,000 in prison in the USA compared with Australia? Why is our murder rate comparatively low? Why is yours higher despite capital punishment, which we have abolished? Why is it so much easier to get guns in the USA than it is in Australia? (We think Americans are barking mad on the guns issue.) Are Australian families better than US families? The answer to the last one is probably no. Does your thesis about film, TV etc hold much merit? No, because we have much the same media.

    Keep thinking. 🙂

  12. Anonymous

    March 30, 2008 at 3:30 am

    Q. Why are so many more people per 100,000 in prison in the USA compared with Australia?

    The murder rate in the United States is very high largely due to the multi-cultural nature of U.S. society. Studies have shown that inner city citizens of a distinct subculture have a much higher criminal and victim homicide rate than U.S. society as a whole. Consider these statistics:

    Homicide Offender Rate per 100,000 by Race in US (2000):

    3.4 – White
25.8 – Black
3.2 – Other

    Many theorize and assume that black citizens are overrepresented in murder statistics due to racism on the part of police and the justice system. If this were true, one would expect that the race of victims would have significantly different distribution than the race of the perpetrators, but statistics show that this is clearly not the case:

    Homicide Victim Rate/100,000 by Race in US (2000):

    3.3 – White
20.5 – Black
2.7 – Other

    If you remove homicides committed by blacks (total: 21862, Blacks:9316), and assume a proportionality between number of offenders and number of offenses, you can extrapolate US homicide offender rate of only 2.6/100,000, lower than Germany (3.27) and France (3.91).

    Q. Why is our murder rate comparatively low?

    Earlier I stated that the average homicide rate in Chicago was around 600. Actually, this was a few years ago. I just looked up some recent statistics that show that the numbers have been steadily declining. 2007 reported 437 homicides. Here is the homicide rate for the city of Chicago since 1990. Notice that in 1994 the murders in this city was 929 people, then dropped to below 500 by 2004:

    Homicides 1990-2007
    1990: 851
    1991: 927
    1992: 943
    1993: 931
    1994: 929
    1995: 827
    1996: 789
    1997: 759
    1998: 704
    1999: 641
    2000: 628
    2001: 666
    2002: 647
    2003: 598
    2004: 448
    2005: 449
    2006: 452
    2007: 435

    Studies show that after adopting crime-fighting techniques recommended by NYC and LA Police departments, Chicago’s annual murder victims have steadily declined. But the vast majority of homicides in this city are drug related and gang warfare against rival gangs.


    Q. Why is yours higher despite capital punishment, which we have abolished?

    Gang and drug-related homicides. The cultural landscape in the U.S. is different than Australia.

    Q. Why is it so much easier to get guns in the USA than it is in Australia? (We think Americans are barking mad on the guns issue.)

    Because of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If a killer broke into your house in the middle of the night, tied up your wife and kids up with evil intentions, you would be lucky to have a gun to defend your family. But gun laws are just a small and quite ineffective solution, since the vast majority of gun crimes are committed with unregistered and illegally obtained guns. We have strict laws against Cocaine entering this country, yet Cocaine is available everywhere. The only thing that gun laws do effectively is to take fire arms out of the hands of law abiding citizens.

    Q. Are Australian families better than US families? The answer to the last one is probably no.Does your thesis about film, TV etc hold much merit? No, because we have much the same media.

    The truth is that what happens in the U.S. usually happens elsewhere in the western world a few decades later. Divorce rates, children born out of wedlock and abortion on demand have had a calamitous effect on society, and that’s growing throughout western countries. Films, television and the Internet are influencing culture faster than you can imagine.

    Let’s face it. Australia is no Disnelyland. According to statistics, your country has plenty of violent crime and studies have shown that more than 30 percent of its population is victimized by criminals. England was second with 26 percent of its citizens victimized. Crime is also proliferating in such countries as Sweden and Norway.

    As the family unit disintegrates, crime vastly increases. The vast majority of criminals in prison come from broken homes.

    However, if you want to get to the root cause of family disintegration you’ll have to dig a little deeper. That problem began in western countries in the 1960s with the proliferation of artificial contraception on demand, which is another topic.

  13. ninglun

    March 30, 2008 at 9:03 am

    The murder rate in the United States is very high largely due to the multi-cultural nature of U.S. society.

    Australia’s Global Ethnic Rankings: “We all know that Australia is a country of migrants. A short search of Wikipedia shows that, measured by ancestry, Australia is in global terms:

    * The second largest Irish, Maori and Maltese country.
    * The third largest English country.
    * The fourth largest Scottish country.
    * The fifth largest Greek, Vietnamese and Dutch country.
    * The seventh largest German country.
    * The ninth largest Italian country.
    * The eleventh largest Serbian country.
    * The fifteenth largest Han Chinese country.
    * The sixteenth Turkish country.
    * The seventeenth largest Indian country.

    What do we make of all this? Well, it’s just a measure of diversity.”

    Don’t blame multiculturalism; do blame social inequity and institutional and economic injustice.

    Let’s face it. Australia is no Disnelyland. According to statistics, your country has plenty of violent crime and studies have shown that more than 30 percent of its population is victimized by criminals. England was second with 26 percent of its citizens victimized. Crime is also proliferating in such countries as Sweden and Norway.

    I agree this country isn’t Disneyland, but despite media excitement see on gun laws in Australia and statistics, and see Australia: A high crime country? “In the Herald Sun, NSW Police Minister Carl Scully labelled the report irrelevant and outdated. He noted: ‘When I think of the Los Angeles Police Department with 500 murders (a year) and we have 70 and I think of Chicago police with 550 murders a year….I start to raise my eyebrows about how accurate that report is. And I see it’s in the year 2000. It is completely and utterly out of date and irrelevant’.

    Don Weatherburn, the Director of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, also rejects the OECD findings here.

    He claimed the report out-of-date and misleading.’Property and violent predatory crime in Australia reached a peak in 2000, due to an epidemic of heroin use that began in the mid-1990s. Since that time, heroin use and heroin-related crime in Australia have fallen sharply. ABS figures show that between 2000 and 2004, the recorded rate of homicide fell 25%, the recorded rate of robbery fell 33%, the recorded rate of burglary fell 33%, the recorded rate of motor vehicle theft fell 40% and the recorded rate of general theft offences fell 23%.’

    According to Weatherburn, at present there is no way of knowing how Australia compares with other countries in terms of most categories of crime because the results of the most recent international crime survey have not yet been publicly released. ‘If the OECD wants to make a practice of comparing crime rates across countries, it should do so on the basis of reliable and up-to-date information. Basing claims about crime in Australia in 2006 on information gathered in 2000 unfairly tarnishes Australia’s reputation.'”

    There are signficant issues here, of course; Indigenous Australians and their problems being one, and we have indeed drug-related crime problems. It is also true that the policing methods in NY city and Chicago which you refer to are being advocated by some authorities here.

    I do know the usual justifications from the USA on gun ownership, and also know that you live with the tragic consequences every time we read of yet another school or campus shooting in the USA. That amendment may have been appropriate in a time of revolutionary war in the 18th century, but is hardly appropriate now.

    You begin with a set of dogmas on abortion, contraception and “family values” and spin everything from there, I’m afraid. I have heard it all before. I really don’t think US conservatism is any kind of model for your own country, and even less so for anyone else’s.

    Bring on Obama. You need him. 😉

  14. Anonymous

    March 31, 2008 at 7:04 am

    Q. Don’t blame multiculturalism; do blame social inequity and institutional and economic injustice.

    A. To blame social inequality and institutional injustice as the cause of murder and crime in the U.S. is an uninformed conclusion. That would mean that the rich would be the paragons of virtue, which is utterly false.

    The reality is that the United States offers the best opportunity for individuals of all walks of life to advance and become economically successful, own private property and forge a life which turns hopes and dreams into realities. Some of the most successful and beloved people in this country come from minority groups. I’m sure you’ve heard of Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan and Barak Obama, who, incidentally, all gained fame here in Chicago.

    These and the myriads of athletes from multicultural backgrounds are some of the most beloved figures in America. Many if not most of the successful people in America came from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds.

    For you to say: “blame social inequity and institutional and economic injustice” I have to ask, what exactly do you mean?

    The sad fact is that every society has people that discriminated against other people. Australia is not exempt. Do you forget about the “Stolen Generations” and the children of Australian Aboriginal descent who were removed from their families by the Australian and State government even through the 1970s? On top of that, statistics show that Indigenous Australian are 10 times more likely to be in prison than a non-Indigenous Australian. Statistics show that in 2004, 21% of prisoners in Australia were Indigenous.

    The study concluded that violent crime is a problem in many communities. Indigenous Australians are twice as likely to be a victim of violence than non-Indigenous Australians, with 24% of Indigenous Australians reported being a victim of violence in 2001.What’s more, Australia-wide, Indigenous Australian children are 20-fold overrepresented in the juvenile corrective service and 20-fold more likely to be involved in child abuse and neglect cases.

    In this country, it’s illegal to discriminate against anybody based on race. Does it happen? I’m sure it does—just as it happens in Australia or anywhere in the world. The problem is not an American problem, rather it’s a human problem. Understand that some of the greatest people became great because of the obstacles they faced in life.

    Is life hard sometimes? Yes. Is life unfair sometimes? Yes. In dact, people are discriminated against all the time. Discrimination against blind people, ugly people, old people, poor people, insane people, black people, white people, Asian people, Hispanic people, short people, skinny people, shy people, obese people, non-talented people, bald people, handicapped people, etc. Everyone gets discriminated against in one way or another at some point. But this is not the fault of “America”, but rather it’s plain human nature. And we have the history of humanity as the proof. Did you ever date a cross-eyed person? Why not? Did you marry the ugliest person in Australia? Why not?

    Your suggested solutions to the troubles in America could never offer real solutions because they miss the actual cause of the problems in the first place. Realize the fact that the vast majority of criminals in prison today come from broken homes. Why is this so hard to accept? The big question you should be pondering is why is the family unit disintegrating?

    Q. I do know the usual justifications from the USA on gun ownership, and also know that you live with the tragic consequences every time we read of yet another school or campus shooting in the USA.

    A. Guns were always available in the past. The problem is that the womb of a rotting society is breeding persons who want to kill people. Generations of youth are being raised by the poisonous influences of television, movies, and a culture that puts little value on human life.

    Q. You begin with a set of dogmas on abortion, contraception and “family values” and spin everything from there, I’m afraid. I have heard it all before. I really don’t think US conservatism is any kind of model for your own country, and even less so for anyone else’s.

    A. He who hears let him hear. Anyone who supports abortion rights should at least have the courage to look at the many pictures of what their support makes possible. Go see what an abortion looks like. Then go vote knowing exactly what you are making possible.

    In my mind, I don’t know what could possibly justify the destruction of babies. Yet people still find ways to justify it in their minds. A mere 75 years ago, a picture of an aborted baby girl, or baby boy, would have made a nation weep. Now people march to defend the right to destroy little baby girls and boys. Such a culture cannot survive and will surely self-destruct. The crime, the shootings, the disregard and indifference to the life of others are just symptoms of an ailing society.

    Studies clearly link artificial contraception to the proliferation of abortion and the disintegration of the family unit. Today, the Male-Female, Man-Woman, Husband-Wife, Father-Mother paradigm is further under attack. The masculine and feminine influence on a new human being intended by nature is being torn apart. Destroy the family and you destroy society.

    Q. Bring on Obama. You need him. 😉

    A. Why Barak Obama? There are others with much more experience than he, including Senator Clinton. Why Barak Obama? Because he’s black? Aren’t you discriminating against someone more qualified because of his race? Furthermore, such a view goes directly against Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of a society which judges a man by his character and not the color of his skin.
    Mr. Obama is a senator from the state of Illinois and he lives here in Chicago. I had the occasion of meeting him during his campaign for state senator. He is a very tall man who can speak well. But he has very little experience and his politics is extreme far left. I could never support him simply because of his position on important issues. What’s more, he’s the most pro-abortion politician in the senate. He’s the one who notoriously voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. The bill came to the senate via a nurse who witnessed botched abortions where infant born alive were left to die.

    This topic began by someone as a musing about Barak Obama being the anti-Christ. The way many are gushing over him as a secular messiah, and as a savior who will end the ills of the world, makes one pause. Could the Biblical scriptures be true after all? From what I understand, the anti-Christ will be someone who will come speaking about peace, but in the end will misguide the world further down into self-destruction. The anti-Christ will not know that he’s the anti-Christ, as he’s will be the product of a rotting world who once knew and believed in Christ.

  15. Anonymous

    March 31, 2008 at 7:08 am

  16. ninglun

    March 31, 2008 at 9:57 am

    Thanks, anon, for making crystal clear where you are coming from. I am always amused by right-wing American ideas about what “far left” is! Obama is pretty much as our own Prime Minister as far as I can see, and any resemblance to Lenin, Mao or Stalin in either case id the product of a very fevered imagination.

    As for Indigenous Australia, which interests me since one branch of my own ancestry is Aboriginal, go to my other blog: OzPOlitics.

  17. Anonymous

    April 1, 2008 at 5:11 am

    How easy it is to dismiss

    It’s not just the far left, but mainstream liberal politics which has made possible such things as abortion on demand. But they couldn’t have made it possible without the votes from those who support them. The least a left-leaning person should have, is the courage to see the direct effect their support of abortion rights makes possible.

    The following link is only for people who have the courage to see what they have been persuaded to support:

  18. ninglun

    April 1, 2008 at 8:46 am

    You’ve had your say, anon. After this would come repetition. People may judge what you have said for themselves. Thanks for your interest.

  19. Kevin Rose

    June 1, 2008 at 2:06 am

    It has been well-documented that am the real Antichrist. Satan and I spent years finalizing our agreement, in which I have to assume the role and responsibilities of the Antichrist in exchange for my success as an internet entrepreneur in San Francisco.